Where do you see photography in the next 10, 50, 100 years?
Think of how far photography has come since its inception in 1836 with the invention of Cyanotypes and Pinhole cameras to today's digital images and social media. How will this affect artist voice?
Photography is readily available to the masses, therefore photographer's rely heavily on conceptual development/ artist voice to elevate their work to "fine art." How do you think photographers of the future will continue to push the envelop and stay fresh 10, 50, 100 years in the future?
If we're thinking crazy here I really think photography could become a microchip in your brain that sends whatever picture you take with your eyes straight to whatever computer you are connected to. You could simply take a picture with a blink of an eye. And instead of sharing pictures through social media you could high five your friend to send it to them and then it would appear in their brain and every picture you get/take saves to this microchip that has a lifetime of pictures warranty. So when your old and have Alzheimer's you can reflect back on all of your memories easily and remember moments in your life that you never want to forget. I think photographers will push the envelope by going on crazy trips and doing crazy actions like jumping out of a space ship with a dog in a spaceman suit and just do crazy stuff like that. And then maybe people will have photo sharing parties and people just walk around and high five each other or display them with a hologram projector out of their eyes. Far fetched, but i'm sure back in the pinhole days they would never believe what we would have to say about the pictures we take today and how we take them.
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