Monday, May 16, 2016

Food Reflection

This was an in class assignment, we were given roughly 8 different food stations, and we were assigned to create as total of 30 images. This was fun! I really tired to manipulate my lighting and try to imagine what would be appealing to me if I was looking at a food advertisement.
For rules of composition, like always I really try to focus in on my rule of thirds. I feel like that is a staple rule that can always make a 'basic photo' more artistic. I also worked on contrast, an area i'm weak in.. In this photo I feel like I did a good job adding some reds to a field of green.
For my voice I don't really know what else I was trying to say other than "this is yummy food!" lol.. I hope that is what I acheived.
Strengths: Compositions
Weaknesses: Lighting with candy and other products.. (For more photos click the 'yummy' button to the right!)

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