Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 23, 2017

   This blog was originally created as an assignment for my photography class in High School. Since then, I have graduated and I have attended Ivy Tech Community College for the past year.
   As of today, I realized that college really isn't for me at the moment. This is mostly due to my financial situation.. however I have also realized that the goal of college is to earn a degree in some sort of study that enables you to have the opportunity to receive a career that correlates with your studies/passion. Personally, I don't know what I want my career to be.. and I believe that until I know what my desired career is, college really isn't the best investment for me at the moment.

  All I know is that as of right now, in this moment.. I enjoy taking pictures, traveling and journaling about this life I live. So that being said, that is what i'm going to do. For some reason I felt compelled to announce my decision on this blog, and I feel like investing my time that I would've spent in class on this website. Maybe I can take this somewhere, or maybe I will make this an online journal. Either way, this is what i'm doing and if you're reading this.. first of all thank you, and second of all, Welcome to the life of "madi g" via blogger.

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