Monday, August 28, 2017

First Marketing Opportunity

I am a server and Boombozz and my coworker who also happens to be the owner's wife asked me if I knew anyone who had any photography skills.. After showing her my blog, specefically the 'yummy!" page, she was sold.
I got an awesome opportunity to shoot their new and upcoming "LTO" items for them to use for their social media and any other advertisement platforms.
Check 'em out!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Our New Home Town

   A fun little shoot walking around Mass Ave and Downtown Indianapolis with my roommate Tara.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 23, 2017

   This blog was originally created as an assignment for my photography class in High School. Since then, I have graduated and I have attended Ivy Tech Community College for the past year.
   As of today, I realized that college really isn't for me at the moment. This is mostly due to my financial situation.. however I have also realized that the goal of college is to earn a degree in some sort of study that enables you to have the opportunity to receive a career that correlates with your studies/passion. Personally, I don't know what I want my career to be.. and I believe that until I know what my desired career is, college really isn't the best investment for me at the moment.

  All I know is that as of right now, in this moment.. I enjoy taking pictures, traveling and journaling about this life I live. So that being said, that is what i'm going to do. For some reason I felt compelled to announce my decision on this blog, and I feel like investing my time that I would've spent in class on this website. Maybe I can take this somewhere, or maybe I will make this an online journal. Either way, this is what i'm doing and if you're reading this.. first of all thank you, and second of all, Welcome to the life of "madi g" via blogger.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Final Artist Reflection

Well, this is crazy. I swear I blinked and now my senior year has finished. This has been one of the most impactful years of my highschool career and I can honestly say a huge chunk of that impact is from this class. Beforehand, I had done photography before this class, but until then it wasn't art. This class became my outlet on how to make my thoughts and feelings into art and something I could capture.


Throughout this class I learned I really favor shallow depth of field and rule of thirds, which ended up being my style. I feel like thats what makes my photos so artistic. Thanks to the class i've learned how to manipulate aperture and iso values and how to create a grid inside my mind to turn my photos into art.

I honestly didn't even know what the term 'voice' meant until this class. This class has trained me and helped me sort through my brain and find out what I really care about, and then with the help of 'building our tool boxes' I learned how to put my 'voice' and 'toolbox' hand in hand. I really learned that I am passionate with this idea of youth and coming of age and I think that it's something that I am really passionate about. I really portrayed this in my Mary Ellen Mark shoot.
(button to the right 'mary ellen mark' for photos)


I really struggled with my juxtaposition and noun shoot. I think the problem is that I spent too much time comparing to other peoples projects so I became too absorbed in theirs too see what I needed to see to make my voice.
However, I really really liked the results of my Mary Ellen Mark shoot, and my earth day shoot. I feel like in those I really connected with what I wanted to portray and used my tools very well to portray it artistically.

  (Noun Shoot)

(I know this part wasn't assigned but I wanted to add this in)
Without this class, and without Mrs. Hahn this year I really don't think I would've grown so much as a photographer. I didn't even know what voice meant until this class. I cannot put into words how much Mrs. Hahn's endless support and teachings have done for me.. So thank you. Thank you for not only teaching me how to find my voice and use my tools, but also being someone who had faith in me. Someone who saw an artist in me, I appreciate it so much and I really wouldn't be the photographer I am today without you and this class.
*All of my photos can be found on the tabs to the right. :-)

Friday, May 20, 2016

Nature Reflection

The assignment was to go on a nature walk and find one photo of everything listed on a list, for example, this is a photo for something 'not alive'. We had other things to take pictures of like something alive, smooth, smells good etc. It was fun!

I didn't have my camera this day so I actually just had to use my iphone so it was hoonestly a little bit more of a challenge on how to make things artistic without being able to play with my settings. I just tried to focus on my angels.

This assignment made me view my world differently by just being more observant in general. I tend to find myself finding artistic matter within nature more often and things you normally wouldn't notice.

Strengths - angels
Weaknesses - composition / lighting.. using my actual camera would help...

More pictures found to the right!!!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Food Reflection

This was an in class assignment, we were given roughly 8 different food stations, and we were assigned to create as total of 30 images. This was fun! I really tired to manipulate my lighting and try to imagine what would be appealing to me if I was looking at a food advertisement.
For rules of composition, like always I really try to focus in on my rule of thirds. I feel like that is a staple rule that can always make a 'basic photo' more artistic. I also worked on contrast, an area i'm weak in.. In this photo I feel like I did a good job adding some reds to a field of green.
For my voice I don't really know what else I was trying to say other than "this is yummy food!" lol.. I hope that is what I acheived.
Strengths: Compositions
Weaknesses: Lighting with candy and other products.. (For more photos click the 'yummy' button to the right!)

Friday, May 6, 2016

Portrait Reflections


I took 15 photos of myself, and 15 photos of a friend, simply because that was the assignment. I chose to stay inside because I felt that, that is where I was most comfortable. The scenes were easy to make, I just chose rooms with the best lighting I saw.


I made sure to check my ISO values, focusing on my rule of thirds and trying my best to not center things. 


Honestly, this assignment was rough for me. I find it easy to take photos and portraits of my friends, but never have I had to take photos of myself. I am actually pretty shy in front of the camera.. with this I decided to actually embrace this shyness and incorporate it within my photos and use that as my voice.. Therefore now you have a photo of me, covering everything on my face other than eyes. only a little of me was shown. 


Weaknesses - being in front of the camera.
Strengths - taking photos of my friend for the other 15 photos.
To work on my weaknesses I think I need to pretend that I am one of my friends so I can feel more confident and know how to position myself, if that makes sense.

(For more photos click the button to the right!)